Learn Knockout JS Right Now

Drew Conley

Drew Conley

Posted on March 21st, 2022

Do people still use Knockout these days? Heck yes, people do! Knockout is great.

Just this year, my team at work inherited a large website that was written all in Knockout. We were tasked with building on top of the codebase, extending it with new features, and implementing a bunch of design changes.

As tempting as it was to just start over with something more modern like React, Vue or Svelte, we simply didn’t have the time. It was a tight deadline and the expectation was for us to keep the existing architecture. This is often a reality of any web developer gig.

And that meant we had to quickly learn Knockout…

I figured, if that happened to us, it might very well happen to somebody else out there. I made some tutorial videos on my tiny, casual YouTube channel to quickly spin people up on the basics of picking up Knockout.

What I’ve found is that Knockout, even today, is still a really awesome choice. It has a pretty straightforward feature set and doesn’t require a build step. So, if you have something that’s just stateful enough to be a little bit of a pain in vanilla JS, like a complicated form, but not quite complicated enough to warrant something like React, Knockout might be a really great choice for you.

Watch the series on YouTube

If you have your own stories or experience to share regarding Knockout JS, feel free to email me or join us in Discord.

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